HA Boyd is a proud sponser for Dub and Rub 2009.
For the 2008 show we paid for the t-shirts, vinyl clings and flyers out of the money raised at the show. We put out a bit of our own, and chalked it up to a good cause.
For the upcoming show we figured out what we spent last year, and asked the companies that donated for some monetary help. Scott, eagerly stepped up and was happy to assist with part of our needs. They were amazing in 2008 and donated 2 $100 gift certificates!
HA Boyd is located at 1250 Chestnut St in Lebanon PA. Their website www.haboydvw.com is chock full of new and certified pre-owned VW's. And if you prefer people to internet, give them a call at 717-273-9385.
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