Thursday, June 18, 2009

Blame it on the rain...yeah yeah

USPS delivered the posters (which are freaking awesome!!) and FedEx delivered the bags from Airhead.
The awards should be done June 19th, and are going to be picked up by myself in New Cumberland.
UPS swears the t-shirts will be delivered on June 19th. (I am still not 100% sure why it took 2 days for the t-shirts to go from CO to IL, but it may have something to do with UPS requiring their drivers to backpack part of the way. Just a guess on my part.)

On a more show related note:
**Brian Yohn (ShedPress) is going to be donating t-shirts! Thank you very much Brian.
**The guys at NGP are hand delivering their donations to us on the day of the show! Thanks again guys. NGP is a great bunch of people, and I have had great experiences working with them.
**LostDog Photos has something pretty cool worked up for the show. Thank you again!
**Eurotuner may do a small little depends on how quick I can get them the info and pix. Still it's pretty cool they're even asking!
I believe that I've covered everything...less then 48 hours away, and the weather report is not all that favorable...
but we're going to have fun regardless!
Sharon & Jason

1 comment:

  1. Glad you like the posters, I have shirts and they came out nice too.

    I'm sure it'll be a fun event.

